
Let’s just burn it all to the ground. Destroy the bourgeois and anyone that stands in the way.

Obviously there is a growing group that feels this way. But what the fuck is the tipping point. Why do we let people become billion, trillionares? Why do we let people that have no clue about the lives we live, dictate our lives? When is enough, enough? Fuck all this terrible shit that we live through day after day. We are mighty, we are the majority. They should eat what we eat, live how we live, go through what we go through. These fucks have no idea what our day to day life is like. Let's do it, let's make them find out. I'd be amazing if Musk or Bezo or whoever the fuck this Ramsey guy is had to deal with murder on their block or being robed for there phone. The Divide is to fucking big and needs to shrink fast.

Obviously there is a growing group that feels this way. But what the fuck is the tipping point. Why do we let people become billion, trillionares? Why do we let people that have no clue about the lives we live, dictate our lives? When is enough, enough? Fuck all this terrible shit that we live through day after day. We are mighty, we are the majority. They should eat what we eat, live how we live, go through what we go through.
These fucks have no idea what our day to day life is like. Let's do it, let's make them find out. I'd be amazing if Musk or Bezo or whoever the fuck this Ramsey guy is had to deal with murder on their block or being robed for there phone. The Divide is to fucking big and needs to shrink fast.

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