
Lied about “Vacation” so I could get the day off

So I basically never get days off and I needed a day off this weekend. So I’m taking Friday off. I am pretty stressed out from work as it is and my manager doesn’t really believe in taking a day off for yourself so you can get your mind right. So I lied about going on vacation this weekend. Really all I plan to do this weekend is put myself first and relax because these corporations will work you into the ground. Cheers to a stress free weekend!

So I basically never get days off and I needed a day off this weekend. So I’m taking Friday off. I am pretty stressed out from work as it is and my manager doesn’t really believe in taking a day off for yourself so you can get your mind right. So I lied about going on vacation this weekend.

Really all I plan to do this weekend is put myself first and relax because these corporations will work you into the ground. Cheers to a stress free weekend!

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