
Life feels like a fucking chore.

I'm goddamn sick and tired of waking up every morning just to prepare myself for spending 8 hours doing shit I don't care about to come home and have zero energy or motivation to do anything else. All for what? So i can barerly afford transportation back tommorow? So I can afford a home? Haha who am i kidding? The world is a large beautiful place. Why can't I be backpacking across south america or something or travelling around africa? Why do I have to pretend I give a fuck that karen get's her potato chips for $2? Godamn it how am i supposed to even pretend to GAF?

I'm goddamn sick and tired of waking up every morning just to prepare myself for spending 8 hours doing shit I don't care about to come home and have zero energy or motivation to do anything else. All for what? So i can barerly afford transportation back tommorow? So I can afford a home? Haha who am i kidding? The world is a large beautiful place. Why can't I be backpacking across south america or something or travelling around africa? Why do I have to pretend I give a fuck that karen get's her potato chips for $2? Godamn it how am i supposed to even pretend to GAF?

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