
Likely gonna be without income for some time

4 months ago I started a technician job with a big company through a staffing agency – the company hires by hiring contractors through staffing agencies and hires them after a couple years once they've learned all they need to know. I was in a car wreck over a year ago, the other guy ran a red light and is at fault. Got a tear in my rotator cuff and lawyered up. It took a long time but I'm finally clear for surgery scheduled late October. I'll have fully mobility of my shoulder in under 3 months but won't be fully recovered until 6 months later. Big name company won't give me even light duty work because if I re injure myself even after I have shoulder mobility, then I'm a liability. Staffing company who is technically my actual employer said they MAY be able to get me some form…

4 months ago I started a technician job with a big company through a staffing agency – the company hires by hiring contractors through staffing agencies and hires them after a couple years once they've learned all they need to know.

I was in a car wreck over a year ago, the other guy ran a red light and is at fault. Got a tear in my rotator cuff and lawyered up. It took a long time but I'm finally clear for surgery scheduled late October. I'll have fully mobility of my shoulder in under 3 months but won't be fully recovered until 6 months later.

Big name company won't give me even light duty work because if I re injure myself even after I have shoulder mobility, then I'm a liability. Staffing company who is technically my actual employer said they MAY be able to get me some form of medical pay (medical leave wasn't offered as a benefit option), but it's not looking likely and even then it'll be low. Even then I'm still gonna need to find part time work.

Don't qualify for federal or state disability because I won't be disabled for a full year.

Advice is welcome, but I really just post this just as a way of screaming it to the sky. I did everything I was supposed to, I have 3 degrees 2 of are STEM degrees I got with Honors, but still I have to worry about shit like this. I can of course just decide to not get surgery, but the lawyer doesn't advise that and I'm also tired of barely being able to use my dominant arm. My wife is already talking about picking up another part time job in addition to her full time one, and I'm gonna have to find work while I recover as well. Fuck this system.

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