
Linked In allowed top notch scammers to nearly ruin my life

I applied for a job through Linked In for a company called Lions Eye Bank in Virginia. I’m not stupid. I was sure to Google the company, make sure they were legitimate, etc. Today I called the company base phone number, and it turns out one of their office workers was hacked on Linked In. By some very serious hackers….. who were even using the company email address, and letterhead. They really had me fooled. Thank God they didn’t get any personal info from me besides my name and address. I’ve been sobbing….I’m so embarrassed and flaming f****** pissed, because I have to deal with all the repercussions now, and I guarantee no one from Linked In will take any responsibility. They’re supposed to be reputable and trustworthy but allowed these people to post the job without verifying it was legitimate. I have no idea whether I should call the…

I applied for a job through Linked In for a company called Lions Eye Bank in Virginia. I’m not stupid. I was sure to Google the company, make sure they were legitimate, etc. Today I called the company base phone number, and it turns out one of their office workers was hacked on Linked In. By some very serious hackers….. who were even using the company email address, and letterhead. They really had me fooled. Thank God they didn’t get any personal info from me besides my name and address.

I’ve been sobbing….I’m so embarrassed and flaming f****** pissed, because I have to deal with all the repercussions now, and I guarantee no one from Linked In will take any responsibility. They’re supposed to be reputable and trustworthy but allowed these people to post the job without verifying it was legitimate.

I have no idea whether I should call the police, or if there’s any way I can contact anyone from Linked In? I almost quit my job because of this.

My current job which I f****** hate, by the way. And now have to go back to all night with this in my head.

I need to think of excuses not to come back because I can’t handle it anymore. Every time I think I’ve finally got it right, my life is in ruins.

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