
Linked In Recruiters, what’s the deal?

Apologies if this is the wrong subreddit. Yesterday I was contacted by a recruiter to discuss a job opportunity. We set up a phone call for this morning, and when the time came, I received no phone call. I looked back in my email because his name must have pinged something in the back of my mind. This person had previously reached out to me to set up a phone call last year and similarly never ended up reaching out. My question would be, what exactly is the deal? Why set up a phone call only to not follow through? Is part of their job just showing their superiors they made Linked In reach outs but have no incentive to do the follow through on them?

Apologies if this is the wrong subreddit. Yesterday I was contacted by a recruiter to discuss a job opportunity. We set up a phone call for this morning, and when the time came, I received no phone call.

I looked back in my email because his name must have pinged something in the back of my mind. This person had previously reached out to me to set up a phone call last year and similarly never ended up reaching out.

My question would be, what exactly is the deal? Why set up a phone call only to not follow through? Is part of their job just showing their superiors they made Linked In reach outs but have no incentive to do the follow through on them?

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