
Listing a job with a wage based on perspective gratuity should be illegal.

I have worked as a chef un the US for about eight years. It's a shit job for shit pay, and I'm actively changing careers because my hard work has earned me nothing but body aches and a fucked circadian rhythm. However, I still need to pay the bill, so this has led me to job listing sites. More and more frequently, I've seen a large number of listings for $30-$40 an hour, which, believe me, screams bullshit in this industry. When you actually look into the listing, they are, without fail, always for minimum wage positions with assumed $15-$20 an hour gratuity added prematurely. I can't begin to describe how badly this boils my piss. It should absolutely be illegal to list a position for anything less than the actual pay rate. I just want to make a god damn living. Please.

I have worked as a chef un the US for about eight years. It's a shit job for shit pay, and I'm actively changing careers because my hard work has earned me nothing but body aches and a fucked circadian rhythm. However, I still need to pay the bill, so this has led me to job listing sites. More and more frequently, I've seen a large number of listings for $30-$40 an hour, which, believe me, screams bullshit in this industry. When you actually look into the listing, they are, without fail, always for minimum wage positions with assumed $15-$20 an hour gratuity added prematurely. I can't begin to describe how badly this boils my piss. It should absolutely be illegal to list a position for anything less than the actual pay rate. I just want to make a god damn living. Please.

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