
Little girl worried about household finances.

Started some online work training today and a coworker tells us her toddler daughter has been drawing and writing little inspirational messages for her while she works. Sounds cute right? She listed some examples that kinda horrified me, but didn't seem to phase anybody else. The “inspirational” message she listed: Mommy needs this job to pay for the house! Mommy needs this job for money! Mommy will be broke if she doesn't work! and more stuff like that. She also said her daughter made a joke about not having a “rich man” to help her. The manager laughed it off and called it adorable. I don't think a kid that young should even understand what rent is.

Started some online work training today and a coworker tells us her toddler daughter has been drawing and writing little inspirational messages for her while she works. Sounds cute right?

She listed some examples that kinda horrified me, but didn't seem to phase anybody else. The “inspirational” message she listed:

Mommy needs this job to pay for the house!
Mommy needs this job for money!
Mommy will be broke if she doesn't work!

and more stuff like that. She also said her daughter made a joke about not having a “rich man” to help her. The manager laughed it off and called it adorable.

I don't think a kid that young should even understand what rent is.

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