
“Live every day like it’s your last”

I feel like I can’t be – but does anyone else find issue with this saying? If I knew that tomorrow would be my last day on Earth, I’d spend it on the beach, eating fruit without a care in the world. I wouldn’t be in my cubicle, typing bullshit emails to people whose faces I’ve never seen and probably never will. This saying is one that really resonates with me, but every time I hear it my immediate thought it “well, I would if I could…” I wouldn’t spend the day at work, making less than what I should so I can afford to have a roof over my head and food on my table. I wouldn’t spend the day in the break room, making shitty office small-talk. But as a result of our exploitative, unethical economic system, I’m unable to live my life in the way I desire,…

I feel like I can’t be – but does anyone else find issue with this saying? If I knew that tomorrow would be my last day on Earth, I’d spend it on the beach, eating fruit without a care in the world. I wouldn’t be in my cubicle, typing bullshit emails to people whose faces I’ve never seen and probably never will.

This saying is one that really resonates with me, but every time I hear it my immediate thought it “well, I would if I could…”

I wouldn’t spend the day at work, making less than what I should so I can afford to have a roof over my head and food on my table. I wouldn’t spend the day in the break room, making shitty office small-talk. But as a result of our exploitative, unethical economic system, I’m unable to live my life in the way I desire, along with the rest of you.

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