
Logged in ready for work at 9am

I was speaking to a relative who is contracted and paid to work 9am-5:30pm. They work in a call centre. They mentioned their job requires them to be “logged in and ready” for work at 9am, i.e ready to take calls at 9am. However their PC’s take around 20 minutes to do this login process and load up all the systems before they’re able to start taking calls. Therefore they have to be at work 20 minutes before 9am to allow for this. We are both of the opinion that this logging on process is the company’s problem, or that at the least the employees should be paid for coming in early, what do you think?

I was speaking to a relative who is contracted and paid to work 9am-5:30pm. They work in a call centre. They mentioned their job requires them to be “logged in and ready” for work at 9am, i.e ready to take calls at 9am.

However their PC’s take around 20 minutes to do this login process and load up all the systems before they’re able to start taking calls. Therefore they have to be at work 20 minutes before 9am to allow for this.

We are both of the opinion that this logging on process is the company’s problem, or that at the least the employees should be paid for coming in early, what do you think?

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