
Looking at corporate attentively.

I work in a big multinational, my team is (was), 4 including another manager like me, our boss and an intern. My colleague got a promotion (Well deserved) and my manager is going away to try something new. Which leaves a massive workload. I got interim help an I have expressed my willingness on taking my manager’s position, but senior management is having a meeting to, and I quote: determine how to best use the resource across the company. I think that translated from corporate it’ll mean: We are seeing how to stick you with more workload without paying you more. Stay tuned, I’ll update as we go.

I work in a big multinational, my team is (was), 4 including another manager like me, our boss and an intern. My colleague got a promotion (Well deserved) and my manager is going away to try something new. Which leaves a massive workload. I got interim help an I have expressed my willingness on taking my manager’s position, but senior management is having a meeting to, and I quote: determine how to best use the resource across the company.

I think that translated from corporate it’ll mean: We are seeing how to stick you with more workload without paying you more.

Stay tuned, I’ll update as we go.

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