
Looking for advice, help, kind comments, I don’t know.

Hi everyone, I am having an incredibly hard time currently and just want some words of encouragement or maybe advice. I live in Canada, and despite the fact that things are slightly better here for us service workers, it is still difficult as fuck. I work full time at a liquor store for $15/hr and I feel like I’m drowning. I’m getting paid on Friday and my mental health is in the trash, I’m so drained I cry every day going to work. It may not sound like a tough job but I do a ton of work for this store as we’re a small locally owned business and our staff runs the whole thing with no corporation or anything. This is not hate on the liquor store, I love my coworkers dearly and the owners. I’m not sure why I’m so dissatisfied but I just feel like I’m working…

Hi everyone, I am having an incredibly hard time currently and just want some words of encouragement or maybe advice. I live in Canada, and despite the fact that things are slightly better here for us service workers, it is still difficult as fuck.
I work full time at a liquor store for $15/hr and I feel like I’m drowning. I’m getting paid on Friday and my mental health is in the trash, I’m so drained I cry every day going to work. It may not sound like a tough job but I do a ton of work for this store as we’re a small locally owned business and our staff runs the whole thing with no corporation or anything. This is not hate on the liquor store, I love my coworkers dearly and the owners. I’m not sure why I’m so dissatisfied but I just feel like I’m working so hard for nothing (obviously).
I get paid on Friday and I know approximately how much I’ll get, and I’m so scared knowing that I can’t even afford to make my rent for June with this next paycheck. I need to refill my prescriptions and haven’t been on my antidepressants or hormone control (I have PCOS) because I’ve been unable to afford to fill them, I have to buy groceries for me and my sister who is currently unemployed due to mental health issues, and get gas for my car with unbelievably high gas prices.
I just feel so sad and terrified knowing I bust my ass everyday for weeks feeling absolutely fucking miserable just to not even make enough money to afford my expenses to survive. I don’t really know why I’m making this post- I would really appreciate some words of encouragement or advice on how to better my life somehow, or even just validation that I’m not alone, as sad as that is. I’m in university trying to get a degree to start a semi-decent paying career but that’s gonna take me 4 years and I just can hardly stand the idea of having to suffer like this for years to come. I’m really scared. If you read all this, thank you. I just feel like this sub is where I can vent about how awful life feels right now and not be judged. Thank you to anyone who reads this or leaves a comment.

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