
Looking for examples of workplaces that embody a radical acceptance of disability

Hi all, I am attempting to challenge the sickness policy at my organisation as we (a network of disabled staff) believe it is discriminatory. The policy is based on the 'normal' amount of time a default healthy person could be expected to take in a year. Clearly that doesn't work for people who are disabled and/or managing long term/chronic illnesses, and the stages of 'review' of attendance feel punitive to us. So I am looking for examples of workplaces that have got it right – where disability is not only accepted but radically supported and built into the culture of the organisation. Or even organisations that have a great sickness policy (or indeed, no sickness policy at all!). I have heard some European countries that do not have sick leave 'allowance' at all? For information, my organisation and I are UK based.

Hi all, I am attempting to challenge the sickness policy at my organisation as we (a network of disabled staff) believe it is discriminatory. The policy is based on the 'normal' amount of time a default healthy person could be expected to take in a year. Clearly that doesn't work for people who are disabled and/or managing long term/chronic illnesses, and the stages of 'review' of attendance feel punitive to us.

So I am looking for examples of workplaces that have got it right – where disability is not only accepted but radically supported and built into the culture of the organisation.

Or even organisations that have a great sickness policy (or indeed, no sickness policy at all!). I have heard some European countries that do not have sick leave 'allowance' at all?

For information, my organisation and I are UK based.

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