
Looking for new job, current boss scouts resume sites for current employees. Any advice?

I’m looking to change to a new job. I’ve been here for 15 years as a manager, and I’ve been a stellar employee through all those years. But due to the way the owner/GM are currently running the place, I need to get out of here – nepotism on my team (the GM’s son), increased religiosity at work, increased toxicity/poor communication, and just an overall decline in respectful culture. And with regard to the nepotism angle, I’m increasingly paranoid that the GM is grooming his son to replace me – can’t prove it, it’s just a gut feel. My problem is that I haven’t job searched for 15+ years, so I’m fairly out of the loop on how to do this…and I know for a fact that the current GM scours resume sites (Indeed, etc) to see if any of us current employees are actively looking for jobs. Does anyone…

I’m looking to change to a new job. I’ve been here for 15 years as a manager, and I’ve been a stellar employee through all those years. But due to the way the owner/GM are currently running the place, I need to get out of here – nepotism on my team (the GM’s son), increased religiosity at work, increased toxicity/poor communication, and just an overall decline in respectful culture. And with regard to the nepotism angle, I’m increasingly paranoid that the GM is grooming his son to replace me – can’t prove it, it’s just a gut feel.

My problem is that I haven’t job searched for 15+ years, so I’m fairly out of the loop on how to do this…and I know for a fact that the current GM scours resume sites (Indeed, etc) to see if any of us current employees are actively looking for jobs. Does anyone have any advice on how do I deal with this? Is there a way to hide my resume from specific people/companies? This is WA state, if that matters.

Thanks in advance

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