
Looking for Opinions on Health Care and Work Legalities

I have worked for a corporate retail entity on and off for the past 10 years. I would leave the company before a big move and reapply at the next location I was going to be near. The transfer process was such a headache that still to this day they would rather have you quit and pay to train you again for the same position in a new store. The company provides health insurance to us and about 5 or 6 years ago told me my menstrual cycle each month was causing them inconveniences with me calling out 1 or 2 days a month. They insisted I see a doctor for these issues if I continued to work for them. I went to 3 different doctors trying to get someone to help me with balancing my hormones but each insisted they can not help me balance my hormones if I…

I have worked for a corporate retail entity on and off for the past 10 years. I would leave the company before a big move and reapply at the next location I was going to be near. The transfer process was such a headache that still to this day they would rather have you quit and pay to train you again for the same position in a new store. The company provides health insurance to us and about 5 or 6 years ago told me my menstrual cycle each month was causing them inconveniences with me calling out 1 or 2 days a month.

They insisted I see a doctor for these issues if I continued to work for them. I went to 3 different doctors trying to get someone to help me with balancing my hormones but each insisted they can not help me balance my hormones if I am not on birth control (super weird logic but ok). So I wound up getting an IUD which wound up putting me in the ER twice after the procedure and heaps of medical bills. It has now been 5 years and I am coming up on my renewal/removal of said contraception. I am working for the company again and on their insurance but I am very nervous for this procedure based off my last experience.

My question or I’d like opinions on this, are can my employer be linked to basically coercing me to go on birth control in order to keep my job? Is there any way to inextricably prove that this company forced me to get birth control that has been detrimental to my health over the years? Or are they off the hook because all they told me to do was see a doctor (covered by their insurance policies) who insisted they can’t help me if I don’t follow what I am told to do?

If there is any legal action I can take I would like to. I am also sorry if this post goes against guidelines, I have no idea where to share this to find any answers and my internet searches turn up nil. Feel free to ask questions for clarification on anything.

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