
looking to switch careers or jobs. where do I start?

So a little about me I am 28 about to turn 29. I have worked in restaurants my whole life so far about 10 years now (started in 2013) and I'm burnt out. Not that I don't mind hard labor and busting my butt to get the job done when needed. I'm not shy when it comes to pulling my own weight and getting the job done or getting down and dirty when the time comes. But I always look at other people and see them being able to afford nice things, nice vacations and they seem happier even my brother who has a good career and so on. I understand and am very aware that they also work extremely hard at what they do and I'm not going to discredit their efforts to be able to do the things they want or have earned in life. But working in…

So a little about me I am 28 about to turn 29. I have worked in restaurants my whole life so far about 10 years now (started in 2013) and I'm burnt out. Not that I don't mind hard labor and busting my butt to get the job done when needed. I'm not shy when it comes to pulling my own weight and getting the job done or getting down and dirty when the time comes.

But I always look at other people and see them being able to afford nice things, nice vacations and they seem happier even my brother who has a good career and so on. I understand and am very aware that they also work extremely hard at what they do and I'm not going to discredit their efforts to be able to do the things they want or have earned in life. But working in the service industry and in my case restaurants really takes a toll on you and I'm as I said burnt out and tired of it. Low wages, long hours, and depending on management and/ or your boss very little gratitude or thanks for all the hard work to keep the place afloat. I go home sleep, go to work then home to sleep again. That's not the schedule or life I have dreamed of where my only free time is either my two days off or scheduling time off work.

So my question is firstly I am looking for a new job but all are coming back with low low offers and I'm not sure what to do or if I'm looking in the wrong places for work and secondly would a career change help with this or going back to school? thirdly where would I even start looking for a new careers that might interest me. My concern with going back to school is one it's expensive and two it takes time out of making money for my self. Yes, I could work while in college since I have a cooking back ground but that would be one of my many concerns about going back to school. But with it being expensive, go back to college declare a major and then only a few years later find out it's the same as cooking and I don't enjoy it.

Any suggestions or help on what I should do right now would be appreciated greatly. I just want to find something that is long term, that I love to do and will offer me the life I want to live and have. Don't think it's so much to ask for. Also if you have any career or job suggestions I would love to hear them as well

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