
Looks like I’m gonna be looking for a new job.

I’m a public safety officer for a local college. I don’t really like my job much,we don’t make shit for money. I’ve been here about 2.5 years and I only make 15.50 hr to be a glorified babysitter for 1000+ students,but I stayed because they had one important benefit for employees. They offer free tuition for employees and family. So imagine my surprise when I get to work today and see an email from HR that it’s now been knocked down to 25% of tuition now. Personally I don’t really give a shit about it for myself. I stayed so I can put my daughter through college when she’s old enough. I’m now at a loss. I’m pissed and upset. Idk what to do. Sorry for the rant but I had to get this off my chest.

I’m a public safety officer for a local college. I don’t really like my job much,we don’t make shit for money. I’ve been here about 2.5 years and I only make 15.50 hr to be a glorified babysitter for 1000+ students,but I stayed because they had one important benefit for employees. They offer free tuition for employees and family. So imagine my surprise when I get to work today and see an email from HR that it’s now been knocked down to 25% of tuition now. Personally I don’t really give a shit about it for myself. I stayed so I can put my daughter through college when she’s old enough. I’m now at a loss. I’m pissed and upset. Idk what to do. Sorry for the rant but I had to get this off my chest.

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