
Losing health insurance and late paycheck #startuplife

In the span of 48 hours I found out that our CEO (we are a very small startup) screwed up both my health insurance and my paycheck. I was told on Monday that I would lose overage on 12/1 and have to switch plans immediately (and cover the cost until reimbursement). He knew months ago that we would lose our plan and didn’t tell me. Then to boot he filed payroll late and my paycheck is now 2 to TBD days late. Don’t work for small startups folks. I had already started looking for work, but you bet your butt that’s ALL I am doing today.

In the span of 48 hours I found out that our CEO (we are a very small startup) screwed up both my health insurance and my paycheck.

I was told on Monday that I would lose overage on 12/1 and have to switch plans immediately (and cover the cost until reimbursement). He knew months ago that we would lose our plan and didn’t tell me.

Then to boot he filed payroll late and my paycheck is now 2 to TBD days late.

Don’t work for small startups folks.

I had already started looking for work, but you bet your butt that’s ALL I am doing today.

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