
losing job made me hate life

I had a nanny job for four months after I moved state and got married. My husband and I were doing well, we’re not super financially comfortable but we had plenty of food, an apartment, some money for entertainment. My bosses created a terribly toxic work environment and I planned on quitting, so I started seeking another job. Unfortunately they decided to let me go before I could get one. I wasn’t terribly worried, I mean how hard could it be when everyone’s hiring? Well, we ended up using all our savings (wasn’t very much), during the weeks I’ve been out of work, on top of the fact that my boss is refusing to pay me for my last week of work, and I’m going to submit a wage complaint with the state but I’m not sure it will go anywhere. I can’t afford to go to court. I literally…

I had a nanny job for four months after I moved state and got married. My husband and I were doing well, we’re not super financially comfortable but we had plenty of food, an apartment, some money for entertainment. My bosses created a terribly toxic work environment and I planned on quitting, so I started seeking another job. Unfortunately they decided to let me go before I could get one. I wasn’t terribly worried, I mean how hard could it be when everyone’s hiring? Well, we ended up using all our savings (wasn’t very much), during the weeks I’ve been out of work, on top of the fact that my boss is refusing to pay me for my last week of work, and I’m going to submit a wage complaint with the state but I’m not sure it will go anywhere. I can’t afford to go to court. I literally shake when I think about that family and how they treated me. Anyhow, I finally found a job at a daycare that seems great but I haven’t been able to start it yet as I’m still going through paperwork and my new social security card got lost in the mail. And so it continues. One of my cats may need to go to the vet, which normally would have been manageable, and now is just impossible, which I feel guilty about. I’ve been so worried about bills and debt that I wake up sweating every night. I feel like I have failed and am just doomed to a cycle of either screwing up or being screwed over. I’m embarrassed that I can’t provide for myself. I have become somewhat s******l, but I also cannot afford to go to my usual therapist this month. I found myself just crying in an empty parking lot, not knowing who to talk to or if anyone would care. (Background info my husband is stressed as well, he can only work part time so I’m the main source of income, but he’s doing his best, and trying to support me as well.) I often feel depressed during the holidays but this…I mean I can’t even imagine having kids in this situation. Every new setback just breaks me. I have managed to sell some items on FB marketplace, and doordash a bit. Now I don’t even have money for gas in order to go doordash. I’m just holding onto hope that life won’t always be like this. I still have a car, I still have shelter, I still have food. I know others are in worse situations, but this is the worst I’ve experienced.

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