
Losing my damn mind

Hey everyone, I'm posting this out of sheer frustration. Basically, my job is utilization management. For my job title, we make calls and conduct assessments to determine the justification for paid services. There is A LOT that goes into this specific job title. So much work. Most days it feels like the job of 2 or 3 people in one. Upper management is utterly tone deaf, extremely passive, and driven by metrics only. They are very positive, however, it is most definitely toxic positivity. They keep piling on more tasks while expecting a certain number of assessments per week at top notch, bullet proof quality. Assessments generally take an hour, writing it up generally takes another generous amount of time to meet their standards of quality. I am using an interpreter majority of the time, which easily doubles the length of the calls. A handful of colleagues are bilingual and…

Hey everyone,
I'm posting this out of sheer frustration.
Basically, my job is utilization management.

For my job title, we make calls and conduct assessments to determine the justification for paid services. There is A LOT that goes into this specific job title. So much work. Most days it feels like the job of 2 or 3 people in one. Upper management is utterly tone deaf, extremely passive, and driven by metrics only. They are very positive, however, it is most definitely toxic positivity. They keep piling on more tasks while expecting a certain number of assessments per week at top notch, bullet proof quality. Assessments generally take an hour, writing it up generally takes another generous amount of time to meet their standards of quality. I am using an interpreter majority of the time, which easily doubles the length of the calls. A handful of colleagues are bilingual and the majority of their assignments are in the non-english language that they are fluent in, so they typically do not have to use interpreters as often as I do. I know this because some colleagues have reached out to me asking what the process is for using the interpreter service.

It is so difficult trying to maintain anonymity while explaining how and why the actual work load is incredibly unrealistic to expectations and metrics. This may result in many gaps in my rant, but that's okay, I just really needed to scream this out.

I know how to do my job and its associated tasks. However, due to the factors at hand, I am consistently unable to meet metrics for assessments per week. This is due to the sheer volume of need for interpreter, how long the calls take, how long writing top quality rationales takes, and how much extra time the other tasks associated with this job title take. It is simply too much work. It is unrealistic. Upper management doesn't give two shits and are constantly asking my manager wtf I'm doing. Luckily for me, she is an incredible advocate. One person in upper management had the audacity to say that calls with an interpreter don't really take that long. I have done multiple time studies to turn into management. Recently, I had a meeting with 3 people who wanted to know my work flow “to help me be more efficient”. At the end of the call, they had zero suggestions for me. One of them had to keep revising what she thought would be an effective work flow and by the end she had no suggestions, another one mentioned how eye opening the meeting was to the amount of work.

TLDR: I fucking hate it all. If I could tell them to go fuck themselves, I would. But I really need to keep this job. I just feel like I have a spotlight on me for factors out of my control. Thanks for listening.

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