this week i'm working 9.5 to 10+ hr shifts. i get off at 1:30 am this morning.
i got scheduled for a mandatory training meeting at 8:30 am this morning.
so i'll be trying to retain safety information on maybe 4 hrs of sleep, if i'm lucky. the meeting ends at 1:30 pm, and my next shift is at 4pm and ends again at 1:30.
oregon law says there has to be 10 hrs between shifts, but maybe my employers get away with this as a mandatory meeting you clock in for, not a shift. I really don't know. I'm just exhausted and frustrated.
I've been falling asleep at the wheel with these machines as it stands. Why the hell do I have to push myself so hard when its not even legal?
(try and restrain yourself from making the sleep deprivation a contest, please. we're all human and all need 8 hrs every 24 to be healthy, regardless of how sigma chad you feel for getting .5 minutes a night.)