
Loyalty vs. Money need your help

I debated posting here as it may not fit but I trust this community, it’s ideals and I feel as a sounding board it offers more understanding than what a business sub would suggest. If this is not the right sub, my apologies, I just need some advice. I am in sales. I am very good at it. I have a track record of rising to the top time and time again. But I am not without weaknesses. One of the biggest is depression and long story short after 2020 I took a deep dive and I am just now crawling out of the cave and back into the world. I went from being terrified of talking to people to to my old self now. Back in March I was offered a second chance at a sales job selling shoes at a high end luxury store. I’ve done this before…

I debated posting here as it may not fit but I trust this community, it’s ideals and I feel as a sounding board it offers more understanding than what a business sub would suggest. If this is not the right sub, my apologies, I just need some advice.

I am in sales. I am very good at it. I have a track record of rising to the top time and time again. But I am not without weaknesses. One of the biggest is depression and long story short after 2020 I took a deep dive and I am just now crawling out of the cave and back into the world. I went from being terrified of talking to people to to my old self now.

Back in March I was offered a second chance at a sales job selling shoes at a high end luxury store. I’ve done this before and excelled so figured it would be a great place to start life again. The boss took a chance on me because I worked from them months before and quit after three days and having a massive panic attack. Nevertheless, she offered me the opportunity.

I have been excelling. Panic is in check and I am number on in sales majority of the time.

However, our store has limited supply.

A sales person can only do so much with little product.

I recently went in to a competitor store, one I worked for in the past. Not only was it busy (demand) but the product was enormous and us everything we have plus items that are my bread and butter.

I am an empathetic and sensitive to people person so I desperately want to apply to the competition but I feel terrible for my boss and I’ve made friends at my job now.

I feel this sub us a healthier mind set of work and business NOT being for the individual and is a constant oppressor. As I tell all my colleagues, “HR is not your friend, they are the businesses friend.”

I know the company doesn’t actually care about me so why should I care about it?

If I can make more money elsewhere then shouldn’t I go there?

But how do I get over caring about the people in the job?

I feel you all might be a good reminder that I shouldn’t care about the job because it doesn’t care about me.

Any advice, thoughts or reminders?

Thank you kindly

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