
Made the mistake of thinking an internal transfer/promotion would net big money

On 1/27 I was approached by a hiring manager (HM) within my company to work on a new project (i.e. they were essentially poaching me). HM “interviewed” me (they didn't ask any questions, but only told me about the role, that I'm a good fit, and that I would receive a raise)  and also told me to send my updated resume and that it “didn't matter if it was up-to-date”. Both of those things should have stood out as a red flag, but I didn't think much of it, as HM said they had a deadline to fill the role and they needed it before the end of the day. I didn't hear anything back from HM for about a week, so I followed up with them on 2/8 and they didn't reply. At that point I figured they'd probably found somebody else and had ghosted me. On 2/13 I…

On 1/27 I was approached by a hiring manager (HM) within my company to work on a new project (i.e. they were essentially poaching me).

HM “interviewed” me (they didn't ask any questions, but only told me about the role, that I'm a good fit, and that I would receive a raise)  and also told me to send my updated resume and that it “didn't matter if it was up-to-date”. Both of those things should have stood out as a red flag, but I didn't think much of it, as HM said they had a deadline to fill the role and they needed it before the end of the day.

I didn't hear anything back from HM for about a week, so I followed up with them on 2/8 and they didn't reply. At that point I figured they'd probably found somebody else and had ghosted me.

On 2/13 I found out through my immediate manager (OM) that the company wanted to transition me out of my current role (at that time) and my last day with the department would be on 2/24. OM told me they didn't want to, but it wasn't their choice. 

I stupidly waited until 2/21 to follow up with HM for more info regarding my new position, and didn't get a response back. Since my start date was supposedly 2/27, I started to sweat a bit, and followed up on a daily basis until 2/24, still receiving no responses from HM. I then texted them on 2/25, they said they would call me on 2/26 (which they did), and I was told I would be starting on 2/27.

On 2/27 I started my new role, without any sort of info. No job title, no salary info, no job description, no benefits info, etc. From the get go (i.e. from 2/27, up until this week) I've been bugging HM's boss (BB) about this info. Namely salary, as that's the most important thing to me. However, BB kept coming back with excuses this past ~2 months, pretty much playing “kick the can down the road” and giving deferred answers (i.e. “I'll follow up with you next week or in two weeks” ). Finally 2-3 weeks ago they straight up ghosted me and stopped responding to my emails.

I said screw it and talked to HM yesterday, asking that they talk to BB about it (as BB was no longer responding to me). HM gave me some more excuses regarding my salary increase and said they needed to talk to BB about it. Oddly enough, shortly after that HM got back in contact with me and told me my salary is going to be increased and my title is going to be updated next week.

When it came to the amount HM said BB quoted for my purported salary increase, it was pretty disappointing when compared to what I saw on Glassdoor (which seems fairly accurate, as I cross referenced the info I found on Glassdoor with job listings on my company's website, for the same role in U.S. states where it's mandatory to post salary ranges, such as Washington, Colorado, etc.). The salary my company quoted was a good 30% less than the numbers I found online, at my company for this particular company (as well as other at other similar companies), and the area I live isn't even that low of a COL area. I then tried to fight for retroactive pay (back to my start date on 2/27, resulting from the difference in pay rate between my old position and this new position), but HM/BB shot that down as well and pretty much told me in so many words I should be happy with what I got because “it's rare to receive a 15% raise”.

So now I'm sitting here yet again, waiting to see if they keep true to their word (regarding title change and salary increase). Which I highly doubt. On top of that I also suspect I've pissed off however many people (i.e. BB and probably other upper management), due to me being so persistent about getting a pay increase.

Maybe needless to say, but this whole experience has been a nightmare.

I started applying to other jobs on 3/26. Hopefully that pans out, as even if my salary increase does go through, my company has been extremely disrespectful through this entire process (firstly with their complete and utter lack of transparency, and secondly in regards to suspected lowballing/taking advantage of me).

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