
Making 6 figures and am very lazy. But…

I really only have to work 4 hours a day and I wfh. I purposely didn’t volunteer for anything extra anymore, take the easy way out always, make sure anything I do is the bare minimum, make sure any decisions will result in less work for me, etc. But I’ve been getting great reviews and feedback. Why? I’m great to work with Everyone loves working with me because I’m agreeable, knowledgeable and always work well with everyone. I don’t fight about things anymore, no more “fight the good fight.” I just agree and move on. The bare minimum I do work on, it’s done extremely well I focus on quality not quantity. I always meet my deadlines and am always professional and buttoned up. I don’t volunteer for stuff anymore I can see bad projects coming a mile away. Unclear deadlines, vague requirements, etc. I only do what’s assigned to…

I really only have to work 4 hours a day and I wfh. I purposely didn’t volunteer for anything extra anymore, take the easy way out always, make sure anything I do is the bare minimum, make sure any decisions will result in less work for me, etc. But I’ve been getting great reviews and feedback.


I’m great to work with

Everyone loves working with me because I’m agreeable, knowledgeable and always work well with everyone. I don’t fight about things anymore, no more “fight the good fight.” I just agree and move on.

The bare minimum I do work on, it’s done extremely well

I focus on quality not quantity. I always meet my deadlines and am always professional and buttoned up.

I don’t volunteer for stuff anymore

I can see bad projects coming a mile away. Unclear deadlines, vague requirements, etc. I only do what’s assigned to me, no more of these BS “fun” side projects that spiral out of control.

I try and make less work for myself

And everyone else around me too. You don’t need our team to do 20 hours of exploration yet. What we need is more clarification on the actual use cases you want solved, then we can start if it prioritized then.

I take the easy way out always

Why kill myself for stuff that has a good chance of being shelved anyway.

I don’t care about being “right” anymore

I stopped arguing about everything and getting my ego involved. I listen more. And you know what? Most the time the other people have a great perspective and are right. I stopped try to be right all the time.

I don’t boil the ocean

Every company is messy, things are wrong, processes are screwed up, etc, etc. Not. My. Problem. I’m not going to be able to solved these, make things better, etc. i don’t care.

I get along great with my boss

Goes a long way. Being someone your boss trusts and trusts you means you have autonomy to get your job done without someone breathing over your shoulder.

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