
Man Crisis

Why is this existential manhood crisis not being blamed on the American work culture whatsoever? Most divorces are caused by financial problems and if the dad was able to stay married he likely had to work 24/7 leaving children without consistent father involvement. If an entire generation of men have been unable to actually be raised by their fathers 9 times out of 10 due to capitalism that might be an issue. These toxic masculinity guys seem like they are trying to act out a role of what a man is that they’ve seen on tv or something. Instead they try to blame scientific facts about gender identity, the fact that there are many expressions of gender, genetically. Seems like these corporate profiteers who broke up so many families get a freebie by hitting two birds with one stone, anti science and scapegoating the blame.

Why is this existential manhood crisis not being blamed on the American work culture whatsoever? Most divorces are caused by financial problems and if the dad was able to stay married he likely had to work 24/7 leaving children without consistent father involvement. If an entire generation of men have been unable to actually be raised by their fathers 9 times out of 10 due to capitalism that might be an issue. These toxic masculinity guys seem like they are trying to act out a role of what a man is that they’ve seen on tv or something. Instead they try to blame scientific facts about gender identity, the fact that there are many expressions of gender, genetically. Seems like these corporate profiteers who broke up so many families get a freebie by hitting two birds with one stone, anti science and scapegoating the blame.

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