
Management claims communication is responsible for all problems union brings up, is this a normal deflection tactic?

I get documents detailing meetings between the union and management at my place of work. In almost every complaint the union brings up (largely wage theft via unpaid overtime or adjusting schedules so that OT won't be necessary) management has claimed communication is the error. I've not been at the job long but it seems like every time they have a meeting something is brought up by the union and management states the problem is actually just communication. Is this a common tactic? What have people found are successful ways to address this either with communication or by turning things around on management?

I get documents detailing meetings between the union and management at my place of work. In almost every complaint the union brings up (largely wage theft via unpaid overtime or adjusting schedules so that OT won't be necessary) management has claimed communication is the error.

I've not been at the job long but it seems like every time they have a meeting something is brought up by the union and management states the problem is actually just communication.

Is this a common tactic? What have people found are successful ways to address this either with communication or by turning things around on management?

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