
Management ignoring risks of armed gunman

I work in an Apple store in Virginia. For the past few weeks, professional thieves have been going up and down the East Coast robbing Apple stores. They have been escalating in the last two stores they robbed they showed off their guns. In fact, the last store, they robbed they came in with their guns already out. Even though Apple has increased Security, Security is sitting around, playing on their phones and ignoring the door and customers and our safety. My coworkers and I are terrified. Our company doesn’t seem to care if we live or die. We have all talked to management about trying to make Security do their jobs and management. But they can’t even be bothered to talk to Security. The managers don’t even stay on the floor so the only ones at risk are us the retail worker’s. If I die from an armed gunmen,…

I work in an Apple store in Virginia. For the past few weeks, professional thieves have been going up and down the East Coast robbing Apple stores. They have been escalating in the last two stores they robbed they showed off their guns. In fact, the last store, they robbed they came in with their guns already out. Even though Apple has increased Security, Security is sitting around, playing on their phones and ignoring the door and customers and our safety. My coworkers and I are terrified. Our company doesn’t seem to care if we live or die. We have all talked to management about trying to make Security do their jobs and management. But they can’t even be bothered to talk to Security. The managers don’t even stay on the floor so the only ones at risk are us the retail worker’s. If I die from an armed gunmen, it will literally because management is refusing to tell security officers to get off their phones. The robberies have not made the news and the managers aren’t taking this seriously. I am terrified that one day I will no longer be able to go home to my children. My husband is terrified that one day he will receive a phone call from my work and I will have died or been shot. I am a young mom and the thought of my kids growing up without me because the managers will not tell security officers to do their job terrifies me every day. I don’t know what I have to do to convince Apple that the security officers actually need to protect us but management is ignoring our pleas and I know we are on the list to be robbed. I am using a throwaway because I’m pregnant and I need my health insurance and I can’t be fired. But I’m terrified and management doesn’t care and Apple doesn’t care and people need to know.

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