
Management made me feel unsupported and I feel livid

I work for the Public Defenders of my county as a legal assistant. Today hit the point where I feel livid with the management there between my actual supervisor/manager and one of the attorneys I assist. I assist a female attorney and she’s proven today she’s a total btch (and I’m a F). Yesterday I took a call from client’s counselor expressing that the client hasn’t heard from the female attorney and is concerned because they have court coming up. I wrote it down and told them I’ll pass the message to the attorney. I typed up the message in our case system and alerted the attorney. This morning I got a response from the attorney in the most btchiest way: “why am I not getting calls transferred? I was available. There is no need for the long note…” 1) my note/message wasn’t even long 2.) it’s protocol for the…

I work for the Public Defenders of my county as a legal assistant. Today hit the point where I feel livid with the management there between my actual supervisor/manager and one of the attorneys I assist.

I assist a female attorney and she’s proven today she’s a total btch (and I’m a F). Yesterday I took a call from client’s counselor expressing that the client hasn’t heard from the female attorney and is concerned because they have court coming up. I wrote it down and told them I’ll pass the message to the attorney. I typed up the message in our case system and alerted the attorney. This morning I got a response from the attorney in the most btchiest way: “why am I not getting calls transferred? I was available. There is no need for the long note…” 1) my note/message wasn’t even long 2.) it’s protocol for the reception to try the attorney first and if they don’t answer the call goes to the assistant. The client also called 10 minutes before closing time and I saw her phone was offline. She literally got mad because of me taking a message as I’m expected to do as part of my job..and gets mad because she doesn’t get calls transferred when they literally try her first all the time. Oh and to further prove she’s a bgch, she literally got in an argument with a client who was asking questions about something only because the client supposedly wasn’t making sense. I got to talk to the client cause they called again and I finally clarified what they needed. I was patient with the client and it’s what they needed.

On top of that my supervisor made me feel unsupported. Last month I requested a day off, only 1 day at the end of the month. 2 people from my unit was out and I knew asking for that day meant 1 coworker being left alone to cover in my unit. I thought it was going to be fine because I’ve been left alone and it wasn’t bad. My supervisor made me feel like sh-t because she went off on me saying she was scared to leave that coworker alone to cover for everyone and it’s never ideal. Then she said she will be there to help her if needed. I’ve been left alone before and she never ever offered her help. This coworker has seniority and experience and I’m sure she would’ve been okay. Meanwhile I was still new and left alone. Today I found out that I’ll be alone tomorrow and it just proves that the unit can apparently function with 1 person there. The supervisor hasn’t bothered to reach out to offer help or give me heads up like she did with the other coworker. I didn’t know I was going to be alone until I got told by another coworker. This further infuriated me.

I literally have been sh*t on by everyone for no reason. I always show up on time and put effort. I am friendly and make conversation as needed. All of this shows they don’t care about me. I’m so angry that I literally feel like purposely calling out sick or just turning off my alarm and be MIA in the morning. This is not fair. I can’t afford to quit unfortunately but god damn.

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