
Management : “Please remember to keep your conversations professional where guests can hear you”

So let me get this straight, guests are being rude enough to eavesdrop on private conversations, and somehow this is our fault? Things that apparently aren't “professional” Talking about recent events in the workplace that could potentially impact guests Updating current guests on said recent events Talking with coworkers about just general work stuff Personal conversations which guests are rudely eavesdropping on. Maybe I'm in the wrong here, but I feel like what my boss (64) would count as professional is very different from what my coworkers (16 ~ 35) would seem “professional”.

So let me get this straight, guests are being rude enough to eavesdrop on private conversations, and somehow this is our fault?

Things that apparently aren't “professional”

  • Talking about recent events in the workplace that could potentially impact guests
  • Updating current guests on said recent events
  • Talking with coworkers about just general work stuff
  • Personal conversations which guests are rudely eavesdropping on.

Maybe I'm in the wrong here, but I feel like what my boss (64) would count as professional is very different from what my coworkers (16 ~ 35) would seem “professional”.

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