
Manager being passive aggressive and I’m tired of it

They’ve got something stuck up their ass because they’re being an absolute ass to people lately. I’m not one to call out. Not because I “pride myself on not calling out”, but because I have a lot of anxiety about calling out and I need the money. So I really only call out when I’m pretty damn sick. Called out today, spoke with the person opening, they were super kind about it because they always are. An hour later my boss texts “Not coming in today? Disappointed.” First of all, why??? It’s a Wednesday, it isn’t busy, and I call out far less than anyone else but you’re not texting them that you’re disappointed in them. Secondly, I don’t give a damn. My SM just doesn’t come in when they don’t want to, they never fill in when we have call outs, they make people stay extra late instead of…

They’ve got something stuck up their ass because they’re being an absolute ass to people lately.

I’m not one to call out. Not because I “pride myself on not calling out”, but because I have a lot of anxiety about calling out and I need the money. So I really only call out when I’m pretty damn sick. Called out today, spoke with the person opening, they were super kind about it because they always are. An hour later my boss texts “Not coming in today? Disappointed.”

First of all, why??? It’s a Wednesday, it isn’t busy, and I call out far less than anyone else but you’re not texting them that you’re disappointed in them.

Secondly, I don’t give a damn. My SM just doesn’t come in when they don’t want to, they never fill in when we have call outs, they make people stay extra late instead of picking up the slack themself. So why is my SINGULAR call out soooo disappointing?

I’ve been sick of this job for a while because the corp sucks, but now I’m more ready than ever to get out. So if y’all know of any WFM/remote jobs hiring that don’t care about location… lemme know. (I’m in the US).

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