
Manager got upset with me because I left work early due to a work related injury

Alright so around two weeks ago I had to leave work early. I won’t go into too many details because it’s a long story, but basically I sliced my finger open on a metal device owned by the store during my lunch on company property. It cut through pretty deep and even sliced open my finger nail and the nail bed as well. I was gushing blood and I could barely move it. Half of my job requires me to type and use my hands to grab product (I work in retail, for context) so I decided to ask to go home. I also want to put it out there that during all of this I had to leave the break room and go to the front desk to bandage up my finger. During me disinfecting it and trying to stop the bleeding a Karen came up to me and…

Alright so around two weeks ago I had to leave work early. I won’t go into too many details because it’s a long story, but basically I sliced my finger open on a metal device owned by the store during my lunch on company property. It cut through pretty deep and even sliced open my finger nail and the nail bed as well. I was gushing blood and I could barely move it. Half of my job requires me to type and use my hands to grab product (I work in retail, for context) so I decided to ask to go home.

I also want to put it out there that during all of this I had to leave the break room and go to the front desk to bandage up my finger. During me disinfecting it and trying to stop the bleeding a Karen came up to me and asked me where a certain dept was. I told her nicely that I was off the clock and she got visibly upset with me. A manager (let’s call them Alex) had to come over and show them what they needed. After she left Alex scolded me and told me that I should’ve helped them even though I was off the clock and literally bleeding. Eventually I ended up going home after that because I had sick hours left.

Anyways I heard a few days ago from the grapevine that Alex got very upset with me after I left and talked shit over the walkie for everyone to hear. I wasn’t sure about this so I asked her today what she thought of my performance (hoping she’d maybe say something about the finger thing). Well turns out I was right, she did say something.

She proceeded to tell me that she was disappointed in me for my “paper cut” incident. And I corrected her by saying it was most definitely not a paper cut, it was metal, and that it sliced through deep and even cut the nail. She told me it didn’t look bad at all to her because it was small and I wasn’t bleeding out and dying so I should have stayed. I explained to her that my job requires me to type and used both hands for product. She told me that I should’ve tried to type with my left hand (I’m right handed) and that I could’ve stuck it out because we were short staffed. She also told me perception wise that it looks like I don’t care about my job or the company and that I should’ve helped out the customer who I told I was off the clock during that day.

I wasn’t super surprised to hear this honestly because Alex doesn’t really like me to begin with but this sounds outrageous to me. My finger was genuinely in so much burning pain. The cut was pretty deep and I bled a lot. I also have immune problems so I left bc I didn’t want it to get infected easily (I told her this, she didn’t care).

Anyways yeah. I hate American hustle culture. I’m sorry but I’m not going to hurt myself or die for a billion dollar company that doesn’t even pay it’s workers a living wage. I’m a minimum wage worker. Why would I jeopardize my health and safety for a job that clearly doesn’t respect or care about my needs?

Alrighty rant over. Sorry I just wanted to get it out. But am I crazy for prioritizing my needs? Lmk

TLDR: cut my finger at work pretty bad (sliced through a few layers and even cut the nail) and manager got upset and scolded me for leaving early for a “paper cut”. I cut it on metal for reference. Wanted to know if I’m in the right here for prioritizing my health. Lmk

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