
manager is either competing with a brick to see who is the dumbest or she truly dont GAF about her job

This saga has been going for 6 months. So, yeah…kinda long I got hurt in August. Tried to keep working but the pain became unbearable and ended up having to go through PT. Docs said if the injury didnt start healing that I would end up having casts put on both legs for 8 weeks so I had no choice but to be out – with Dr. note – for 3 weeks to heal. While out of work, she (manager)called another coworker 17 times to talk about me, my injury, made fun of me, and told ALL my coworkers “Oh dont worry about her, she had that DISEASE before she started here. diagnosis was stage-4 Overuse Injury I did message her and said “please only talk about me to me” Requirements to get the holiday bonus are posted by her, when i was released to return to work. One of…

This saga has been going for 6 months. So, yeah…kinda long

  1. I got hurt in August. Tried to keep working but the pain became unbearable and ended up having to go through PT. Docs said if the injury didnt start healing that I would end up having casts put on both legs for 8 weeks so I had no choice but to be out – with Dr. note – for 3 weeks to heal.

  2. While out of work, she (manager)called another coworker 17 times to talk about me, my injury, made fun of me, and told ALL my coworkers “Oh dont worry about her, she had that DISEASE before she started here.

    • diagnosis was stage-4 Overuse Injury
    • I did message her and said “please only talk about me
      to me”
  3. Requirements to get the holiday bonus are posted by her, when i was released to return to work. One of the requirements was you had to work or be available to work a minimum of 4 days a week. First day back, she tells me my day have been cut from 6/wk to 3 and I would be taken from Position A and assigned to Position B since I needed a temporary medical accommodation (cant lift over 50lbs). So, I text every day that I wasn't scheduled to ask to work in order to show I was available to work the required number of days for the bonus.
    Spoiler alert- DENIED
    Reason- “You didn't qualify”

  4. I trained a 3rd day new hire who asked me why the
    the manager was so hateful to me. I told her
    everything written here and that we were told in our
    orientation that “This company only cares about the
    product” so I wasnt surprised that she didn't care that
    I had been injured.

  5. 2 days later, manager had a whole ass meeting with all employees, threatened to fire anyone she caught talking bad about her, and if anyone (me) had a problem with that we were invited to go outside and “discuss ” it.

  6. Weight restrictions were finally removed and Dr. allowed me to return to full duty (lift 150lbs). I asked to be put back in my regular schedule and position. She refused, (no reason given).

  7. Was finally “allowed” to have 5 scheduled days/wk in last half of Nov. because it was the start of busy season, but kept in Position B. This is important because those with Position A are GUARANTEED work every day they show up. Those in Position B are required to show up everyday but are only able to work is someone from Position A doesn't show up. Otherwise, Position B workers are sent home after waiting several hours to see if anyone called out. This is time you do NOT get paid for.

  8. A group of new hires started between the holidays. I trained several of them. A couple of them have limits on what they can do, such as weight limits on lifting, which are NOT temporary.

  9. Late December and early January, several openings for Position A became available. At the time I was the only one in Position B that wasn't a new hire (they had only been there for about 4 weeks) so there was no way she could keep me from having my original Position A back. I spoke to her many times about why she was keeping me out of Position A when that is my actual job and I was not restricted from doing any part of it. She never responded.
    I was WRONG. She gave the positions to the new hires.
    I was allowed to fill one position for 3 weeks but
    only because the new hire she wanted to give it to
    was out of work FOR A FUCKING INJURY!
    I begged to be allowed to keep the position, which is technically mine AND I have seniority, but she absolutely refused.

  10. 3 weeks ago I told other manager (nice guy, fair, less authority) I was going to be putting in my notice and told him the truth when he asked why.
    It had been months of me losing pay becuase she wont put me back in my normal position and I was on the verge of losing my house and car because I had to rely on other to miss work so I could work, her refusal to order my uniform pants for over 6 months, her blatantly showing favoritism to some while bullying others, etc…
    He begged me to give him a week to get everything fixed and he would make it right. There was definitely a change. She took it as me challenging her authority.
    She has officially DECLARED FUCKING WAR is now HELLBENT on “making me wish I hadn't”.

Now thiis is my day, everyday:

She orders me to wear uniform pants that SHE HAS NOT GIVEN ME! I wear dark or black pants while her and many others range from leggings to sweats, crocs, & hoodies,
She gave me 1 pair last month that were 3 sizes too big that i can't wear because they wont stay up and I trip over the 4 inches of legs that drag the ground. They are huge!

She tried to make me trade my personal jacket with another employee who had a work jacket…what tf?

Sent me a text that said
“feel free to come say something to my face if you have a problem with my earlier message”
(Telling me I was to go help someone else do their work after I completed mine or get wrote up and bonus taken despite us being paid by the job meaning i had to help for free)

Plus so many other thing but dont have time to list

But the winner is this one:

Due to her refusing to let me have my position back, I have only been getting 2 to 3 days a week if I'm lucky so I filed for partial unemployment last week.
She was notified yesterday.

Retaliation has entered the chat

This morning, she hands me a fistful of write-ups for missed days, going back to December.
I had documented Covid and was quarantined from 12/24-1/3. While i was out of work, I sent her a pic of my dr note like she asked. The day I went back, I gave the actual paper copy to the other manager.
Imagine my surprise when 6 of the write ups were for “not having a dr note” when i had Covid. I reminded her hat i had sent it to her when she asked and she replied with “well I guess i didn't see it or deleted it so you need to send it again or these stay. I said well, you are going to have to ask the other manager to see it since I turned it in to him the day I came back to work.

One was for a day I had text because i was running a little late. The other manager text me back and told me to stay home. Write up literally stated these exact words

Reason Given
“Stated she had overslept”

Was absent from work as a no call/ no show – made no contact with any member of management and didn't respond to any contact attempts from management

Ummm…. what? I did what…or didnt?

In the end, I had 1…just 1. For the only actual day i called out. Important to know that any and all call outs are considered a NC/NS, and they are fined up to $120 a week for a single call out.
This bitch just tried to falsify write ups to contest my partial UI claim 🤣

Then… she informs me that there is a staff meeting tomorrow and everyone in Position A who isnt there by a certain time everyday will forfeit their shift for the day and it will be given to those in Position B that were on time.
Basically she is making it so that those in A can get out of work without consequences by coming in before the 8:00 limit to get wrote up but after the 7:30 limit to work. Yeah….can't see how this is a bad plan at all, but hey…she knows best right?

I am so thankful that I started documenting everything in October and have every message saved.

Oh, I absolutely filed a retaliation charge this afternoon!

Your move bitch!

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