
Manager is Emotionally Abusive

Okay, title is a little dramatic, but she uses emotional abuse tactics. Ex: gaslighting, she will say something to me and I will reference what she said and she will say it never happened. She’s a really bad manager, so I end up having issues and having to come to her quite frequently (paid wrong, overworked, illegally called in, etc.). I’ve stood up for myself so far, but it’s getting more difficult. She interrupts me and doesn’t let me get a word in, even when I ask specifically to not be interrupted. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship in the past, and my conversations with my manager are getting progressively more triggering. I am going to record my next meeting with her, but I’m worried about keeping my composure. Most of our confrontations have been over the phone, after which I usually burst into tears. I’m looking for tips…

Okay, title is a little dramatic, but she uses emotional abuse tactics. Ex: gaslighting, she will say something to me and I will reference what she said and she will say it never happened. She’s a really bad manager, so I end up having issues and having to come to her quite frequently (paid wrong, overworked, illegally called in, etc.). I’ve stood up for myself so far, but it’s getting more difficult. She interrupts me and doesn’t let me get a word in, even when I ask specifically to not be interrupted.

I was in an emotionally abusive relationship in the past, and my conversations with my manager are getting progressively more triggering. I am going to record my next meeting with her, but I’m worried about keeping my composure. Most of our confrontations have been over the phone, after which I usually burst into tears. I’m looking for tips on how to appear professional and assertive when talking to someone who is insulting me and gaslighting me. Please help lol

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