
manager keeps schedulinh my shifts outside of my availability

I work in a casual role and the rotas are made based on our availability. I know that where I work it is usually understaffed and they rely in me to cover shifts, I've bern good at covering shifts as I need the money however I'm getting tired of the way that I'm treated. It feels like I'm being taken for granted. On top of that they have got me to train people outside even though i'm realtively new to the job and I didn't get paid more for my time. There is one girl who I trained up and she has somehow gets shifts that she prefers. Let's call her G. We are supposed to have 11hrs in between our shifts but my manager has scheduled me to work a late shift followed by an early start the following day. I've checked the rota and this has not happened…

I work in a casual role and the rotas are made based on our availability.
I know that where I work it is usually understaffed and they rely in me to cover shifts, I've bern good at covering shifts as I need the money however I'm getting tired of the way that I'm treated. It feels like I'm being taken for granted.
On top of that they have got me to train people outside even though i'm realtively new to the job and I didn't get paid more for my time.

There is one girl who I trained up and she has somehow gets shifts that she prefers. Let's call her G.
We are supposed to have 11hrs in between our shifts but my manager has scheduled me to work a late shift followed by an early start the following day. I've checked the rota and this has not happened to anyone else.
I followed this up over email and he is asking G if she can swap shifts with me so it wouldn't clash. All i'm asking is for one day to be swapped so it means that I don't have to run into this issue. She hasn't replied and my manager swapped my shift so I'm working: evening, evening followed my a morning shift in a row. Which is useless because I'm still having the same issue.
I told him that I can't do that morning shift and let him know that I won't have availability as I used to before. He was very apologetic about this and said that he's bejng overworked from his end hence the mistake in rota.
But I feel upset that I had to be the one to take it upon myself to sort it out and the fact that my colleague G was not being helpful by not responding.

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