
Manager loses all sense of civility upon learning I am job searching

This event belongs here, but I will keep it short. I'd been “quiet quitting” for months, had issues due to my dog being pts, and got put on a PIP. Absolutely couldn't care less about the latter. My manager learned I am job searching when someone called to verify employment around mid October. She asked me when I'd planned on telling her. I played dumb and said idk, and left it at that. She went on vacation for a couple weeks, came back, and met with me on my 'issues'. I tell her I now need to give my notice and want to work thru next week. Instead of letting me work thru my notice, next week's schedule didn't have me on it at all. I came into work yesterday and immediately get asked by a coworker if that was my last day. I didn't know how to respond but…

This event belongs here, but I will keep it short.

I'd been “quiet quitting” for months, had issues due to my dog being pts, and got put on a PIP. Absolutely couldn't care less about the latter. My manager learned I am job searching when someone called to verify employment around mid October. She asked me when I'd planned on telling her. I played dumb and said idk, and left it at that. She went on vacation for a couple weeks, came back, and met with me on my 'issues'.

I tell her I now need to give my notice and want to work thru next week. Instead of letting me work thru my notice, next week's schedule didn't have me on it at all. I came into work yesterday and immediately get asked by a coworker if that was my last day. I didn't know how to respond but immediately got angry, and skirted around the issue.

Manager had to work also, and she completely avoided me and barely spoke to me all day. We ended up going to lunch at the same time, and she left the break room after asking if I was having lunch at work that day.

Altho I was pissed, I decided to work my shift normally, and quietly left after my shift. I could have bailed completely, or left a nasty note in the group chat, but ultimately I didn't want to let my anger take over.

I just don't understand why my manager would think any of this is okay. I considered possibly getting with HR, as they always pretend to 'care' about associates. I wonder if somewhere my manager screwed up in this process.

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