
Manager of 15 years commits suicide during lunch break | Company screwed him over

I come back from lunch to realize that the entire office is in tears. A manager who has committed 15 years to this company was let go with only 4 weeks severance pay after we were bought out by a private equity firm. This man dedicated his life and existence to our company and during lunch, he jumped off of an overpass. No job is worth your mental health. And please do NOT make your identity your job.

I come back from lunch to realize that the entire office is in tears. A manager who has committed 15 years to this company was let go with only 4 weeks severance pay after we were bought out by a private equity firm. This man dedicated his life and existence to our company and during lunch, he jumped off of an overpass.

No job is worth your mental health. And please do NOT make your identity your job.

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