
Manager refuses to let me stand still, let alone sit.

So this was during December 2022, but I just found this subreddit, so I figured it was worth sharing. I am a 17 y/o male who was working at a local Pizza chain. This was my first job and I had been working there about 5 months as a waiter. I enjoyed my job and had fun, although it could be stressful at times. Anyway, cut back to December and I was helping close, when I noticed my ankle was hurting me. I didn’t think much of it and just pushed through the rest of the night. Then, the next day it seemed to have gone away, until around noon when it started swelling like crazy. When I got home from school i called in and said that my ankle was swelling, it hurt to walk, and I shouldn’t come in. They then denied my request, saying that they already…

So this was during December 2022, but I just found this subreddit, so I figured it was worth sharing. I am a 17 y/o male who was working at a local Pizza chain. This was my first job and I had been working there about 5 months as a waiter. I enjoyed my job and had fun, although it could be stressful at times.
Anyway, cut back to December and I was helping close, when I noticed my ankle was hurting me. I didn’t think much of it and just pushed through the rest of the night. Then, the next day it seemed to have gone away, until around noon when it started swelling like crazy.
When I got home from school i called in and said that my ankle was swelling, it hurt to walk, and I shouldn’t come in. They then denied my request, saying that they already had a couple people call off, and that they needed me. So I came in anyway, and asked if I could switch positions with a coworker so that i wouldn’t be running around, waiting tables and the obliged. So I got positioned at the make unit, making pizzas. I also asked for a chair, but they denied that request. So I was making pizzas, standing on one leg for abt 2 hours, when my manager asked me to go out into the lobby and wait tables. I reminded them that my ankle was swelling and it hurt to walk. They then pretty much told me to walk it off.
So I’m limping around, trying not to scream, when I notice that the bumb has engulfed not only my ankle, but my lower shin as well. So I’m freaking out and I call my mom and tell her the situation.
She says don’t move.
So, i sit down, trying not to freak out, and my mom and sister show up (she’s an EMT) worried that its a blood clot, and want to take me to the ER.
Then my manager comes over and says that it has been a really busy day, playing the pity game, and says that they need a doctors approval for this because I had been gone a lot of shift recently (complete lie, I had even covered a shift earlier that week. We ignore her and got to the ER. Turns out it was a spider bite, which caused a blood clot. I got it taken care of, and haven’t been back since.

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