
Manager required a younger employee to handle used underwear

I won’t say where I work other than it’s a popular hotel chain and I work in a restaurant located in one. We were having a training meeting with several coworkers and were going over basic procedures. One of the things we went over was where to turn in lost and found items. One of the girls I work with, who is only 18 and a hostess, brought up how her manager (who was present) made her take used underwear to lost and found (yes security threw it away immediately). The other managers were laughing while I sat there completely shocked. Isn’t this considered a biohazard? The manager then proceeded to say how it was said coworker’s fault for asking what to do with the guest’s “belongings” they somehow left at a table. I almost want to complain to HR. I’ve only been working here for a few months but…

I won’t say where I work other than it’s a popular hotel chain and I work in a restaurant located in one. We were having a training meeting with several coworkers and were going over basic procedures. One of the things we went over was where to turn in lost and found items. One of the girls I work with, who is only 18 and a hostess, brought up how her manager (who was present) made her take used underwear to lost and found (yes security threw it away immediately). The other managers were laughing while I sat there completely shocked. Isn’t this considered a biohazard? The manager then proceeded to say how it was said coworker’s fault for asking what to do with the guest’s “belongings” they somehow left at a table.

I almost want to complain to HR. I’ve only been working here for a few months but at any other restaurant/ANYWHERE I have not heard of something like this. I’m just very disgusted, especially when that manager and the others present were cracking jokes after taking advantage of a younger employee who they know is too nice to say no. Why not just have someone sweep it up and throw it away? Especially when they knew security would just throw it away. Am I overreacting here? It’s just been bothering me all day and I had to talk to someone about it.

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