
Manager Retaliation

My manager took me off the schedule for two weeks because I didn’t come in for three hours this Saturday. She texted me last minute on Saturday morning and told me to come in. I was literally ASLEEP at the time and didn’t even see her message for seven hours. This is after I covered a night shift on Frida and she told me I didn’t have to go on Saturday I have been called in EVERY day this week. I picked up TWO additional 8 hour shifts when other people called out “sick” (because she pressured me) and I stayed an extra four hours one night. My manger told me if I come for 8 hours on Friday (and stay until 11pm) I don’t have to work on Saturday. I stayed up late Friday night, assuming I didn’t have to go on Saturday. Then I wake up to tons…

My manager took me off the schedule for two weeks because I didn’t come in for three hours this Saturday.

She texted me last minute on Saturday morning and told me to come in. I was literally ASLEEP at the time and didn’t even see her message for seven hours.

This is after I covered a night shift on Frida and she told me I didn’t have to go on Saturday

I have been called in EVERY day this week. I picked up TWO additional 8 hour shifts when other people called out “sick” (because she pressured me) and I stayed an extra four hours one night.

My manger told me if I come for 8 hours on Friday (and stay until 11pm) I don’t have to work on Saturday.

I stayed up late Friday night, assuming I didn’t have to go on Saturday. Then I wake up to tons of texts calling me in because the replacement called out “sick”.

How is that MY fault???? I already covered for people multiple times this week when I was NOT scheduled. But I don’t drop everything last minute on Saturday to come in and I’m a horrible lazy person. Why didn’t any of my other coworkers come???

Meanwhile my manger loves certain people who call out, are late, never cover shifts.

I already did seven Saturday/Sunday shifts in a row. I haven’t had a Saturday off in two months and COVERED for someone all Friday night. But now my manager retaliates because I don’t go in again last minute when I’m NOT scheduled. I already went in last minute on Christmas when I wasn’t scheduled. But she conveniently forgot that. I worked 8 full days in a row before Christmas because I kept getting called in to cover shifts.

Yet because I don’t have a child and since Im’ quiet my manager only cares when I do something wrong. Won’t a single other coworker goes in last minute or will show up on weekends. Good luck finding a replacement

And I told her 100 times I want fewer hours, so being scheduled 0 hours and putting this on my resume is actually good for me. But I can never relax or do anything since she tries to call me in. eVERY SINGLE day and then acts like Im a horrible person when I say I’m busy. She quickly forgets that I have said YES to cover 50 shifts and only focuses on the three times I said no.

I have NEVER called out and always go when im scheduled. Even when she scheduled me 8 days in a row and on Christmas’s Eve

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