i’m beyond irritated and overwhelmed by her constant berating and hostility. All she does is badger me and claim that i am wrong but when i provide the clarification she gets defensive. Today is the first day that she actually said i had an attitude when explaining something but really i have a monotone voice and it was 7pm at that point.
she did this with another team member in the call and it was absolutely done on purpose because i can’t complain since i already quit and my last day is this week. She’s lashing out against me because i resigned and it is so unprofessional.
i am so happy to leave this place and i hope that no one has to go through this. it truly is one of the worst work experiences of my life and i have no plans except that i simply want them to fail and suffer for a bit while they look for my replacement.
i am wondering how to not take these things to heart and have it affect me so much. i want to win the idgaf war but it is so hard.