
Manager told me after the deadline to submit my PTO request for Jan and now won’t give my birthday off

6 months ago out manager left and we got a new manager. The old manager did requests in 3 month blocks and gave a list of dates of when requests were due for which month. Very clear, she was an amazing manager and I miss her. Our new manager decided to do it different. He does schedules a month at a time and gives the next months schedule the last week of the month. For our Jan schedule He came to me and asked if I wanted any holidays. I was confused but then said no and he told me to submit my PTO requests as it was past the deadline. I asked when the deadline was and he told ,e last Friday. I said I had no idea and asked if there was an email sent out. He told me there was – spoiler there wasn't. I asked all…

6 months ago out manager left and we got a new manager. The old manager did requests in 3 month blocks and gave a list of dates of when requests were due for which month. Very clear, she was an amazing manager and I miss her. Our new manager decided to do it different. He does schedules a month at a time and gives the next months schedule the last week of the month.

For our Jan schedule He came to me and asked if I wanted any holidays. I was confused but then said no and he told me to submit my PTO requests as it was past the deadline. I asked when the deadline was and he told ,e last Friday. I said I had no idea and asked if there was an email sent out. He told me there was – spoiler there wasn't. I asked all my coworkers. He only sent an email this Monday saying requests were due last Friday and to send them in. I sent mine in requesting not to work the weekend of MLK day (1/14-1/16). Mon 1/16 is a holiday and we are open holidays so we have 2 people for that day. I requested that weekend bc my birthday is 1/15 and obviously I want to as far away from this hellhole as possible. I sent the request this morning and immediately he sends back this –

“1/15) 1/15 I already have you working. Because this request is after the Friday Deadline you will have to ask someone if they can swap or work that weekend for you. Because other people requested the same weekend off already and got there request in before last week Friday. ”

I want to know if it is rude or disrespectful to send this back as a response

” I requested that day/weekend because my birthday is on 1/15 and I would like to take off. I was never informed of the deadline and when I asked you when it was you told me you sent out an email. I checked every mailbox and there is no email. And there was no verbal request. If it was said in a meeting I wasn’t here for, there are no meeting minutes to check. I was not informed of the deadline until it passed. Can you provide the full schedule so I can see who I have to ask.”

I think its absolutely ridiculous try to blame me. There is no set schedule on when to send requests. I work in a referral intake center for homecare so basically i just transcribe patient info into the computer system. The thing is we get a high volume of referrals and they are time sensitive so you need to be fast and accurate. I am on of the fastest on my team and bc of how poorly scheduled we are I end up having to pick up the slack for some of the others to help them out so they don't up in the office till 8pm. I think its a slap in the face to treat one of your best employees this poorly. I feel like crying everyday when Im at my desk bc I see my manager walking around chatting it up with everyone with a smile on his face not a care in the world while his team is struggling to manage and not receiving any help. I just really want my birthday off and hate asking people to switch. Maybe ill just call out that day bc why not

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