
Manager told me I’d be fired if I discussed wages (and more)

Hello, I just got off work. I'm being trained currently, and I had a very heated discussion with my manager before I clocked out. And she continued to talk about it on a phone call after work. She told me that if I were caught discussing my wages with other employees, I shouldn't be working there and that I would be fired. Also, in a separate conversation, I disclosed my disabilities to my manager that I would like to work the night shift due to multiple diagnosed sleeping disorders. She told me, not only that she doesn't care and is going to schedule me how she sees fit, but that if I would have told her that in my interview she wouldn't have taken the gamble on hiring me. While threatening me with termination, she told me to cite her the law that says I have the right to talk…

Hello, I just got off work. I'm being trained currently, and I had a very heated discussion with my manager before I clocked out. And she continued to talk about it on a phone call after work. She told me that if I were caught discussing my wages with other employees, I shouldn't be working there and that I would be fired. Also, in a separate conversation, I disclosed my disabilities to my manager that I would like to work the night shift due to multiple diagnosed sleeping disorders. She told me, not only that she doesn't care and is going to schedule me how she sees fit, but that if I would have told her that in my interview she wouldn't have taken the gamble on hiring me.

While threatening me with termination, she told me to cite her the law that says I have the right to talk wages. (It's like everyone should know about the nlra, right?) But she wouldn't let me show her, she told me I was wrong. I have never had a manager that acts like she does, she is incredibly tyrannical. I don't know how to navigate this. I really need help forming a plan of action because I don't think she should be managing this way nor threatening me to the point where I'm worried about my job security now.

Any help?

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