
Manager trying to bully me into rescheduling medical appointment

So here’s the context. My dog has treatable cancer. It has been super fucking stressful of course, and expensive, but the end of the tunnel is in sight. She has surgery scheduled for the 4th of November, $600 deposit already paid. The work schedule for that week had not been written as of last week when I grabbed the appointment, and is still being written today. I requested in writing for that day off last week. My manager does not know it is for my dog—as far as she is aware, it is for me. Reason for that is that as soon as she found out about my dog issues (I was crying, so she found out), she informed me a sick dog is not a reason to call out. (Unprompted mind you, I was crying, she asked what was wrong, I told her, she “aww there there”’d me, then…

So here’s the context.

My dog has treatable cancer. It has been super fucking stressful of course, and expensive, but the end of the tunnel is in sight. She has surgery scheduled for the 4th of November, $600 deposit already paid.

The work schedule for that week had not been written as of last week when I grabbed the appointment, and is still being written today. I requested in writing for that day off last week. My manager does not know it is for my dog—as far as she is aware, it is for me.

Reason for that is that as soon as she found out about my dog issues (I was crying, so she found out), she informed me a sick dog is not a reason to call out. (Unprompted mind you, I was crying, she asked what was wrong, I told her, she “aww there there”’d me, then told me “keep in mind it’s not an excuse to call out”. Like what???) Mind you, I have been here for 12 years and never call out unless I’m dying, and have always been flexible. Anyway.

Fast forward to today. She informs me she can’t honor the request. She asks me to reschedule. I say no. I am not gonna reschedule my appointment, wtf. She is currently trying to bully me into it, and I am saying fucking no. |: I plan on being sick if she’s still schedules me.

I just had to vent, and know how you would handle this situation. I have anxiety and it’s my firsts real time standing up for myself at work, haha.

Edit: they’re requiring a doctor’s note from me now. That should be easy to get, right? |:

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