
Manager “We’re going to have to let you go”, Me “sweet”

I worked at a fast food restaurant in a truck stop, we had random rushes a constant flow and would have a bus full of people come in at anytime. They had one person in the back to make orders and one person in the front to take them (only 2 people doing everything). Don't forget everyone needs a break so for 1 hour there is only 1 person is doing everything. Every order needs to be out in 7 minutes even if there's 10 orders the most recent on needs to be out in 7 minutes (frozen patties took about 6 minutes to cook from frozen). The Manager told me in a meeting with the other 6 people that worked there that she hired and fired about 370 people the previous year. Now I got fired after 1 month for “not going fast enough”. During my training nobody told…

I worked at a fast food restaurant in a truck stop, we had random rushes a constant flow and would have a bus full of people come in at anytime. They had one person in the back to make orders and one person in the front to take them (only 2 people doing everything). Don't forget everyone needs a break so for 1 hour there is only 1 person is doing everything. Every order needs to be out in 7 minutes even if there's 10 orders the most recent on needs to be out in 7 minutes (frozen patties took about 6 minutes to cook from frozen). The Manager told me in a meeting with the other 6 people that worked there that she hired and fired about 370 people the previous year. Now I got fired after 1 month for “not going fast enough”. During my training nobody told my how to do anything i was honestly guessing half the time until they told me I was doing wrong. Still don't know how they want me to refill a ketchup bottle. Their solution though to help me be quicker was to have me work 2 days (12 hours) a week, for 14 dollars an hour. They really expect that kind of work from high school kids. Dude not to mention the brain washing “training videos.” The training videos were just “make the customer happy” ” be happy” “wash your hands” “do it for the company” “our customers are not just a number.” Fuck Fast Food.

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