
Manager Won’t Allow Any Breaks Exceeding 5 Minutes

I currently work as a cook for a Pennsylvanian restaurant chain called Primanti Bros. So, anyway, we close the kitchen at 11pm on weekdays and 12am on weekends. I come in at 4pm each day and generally work for around 8 hours. During that time I do not take a break save for smoke breaks every few hours or so, business permitting; i.e. I would not take a break during the dinner rush from, say, 5-7pm, etc., and I don’t even clock out to eat or anything. Yesterday it was around 10pm, business was slowing down, and I hadn’t had a smoke in three hours. I let my coworkers know that I would be stepping away from the line. I proceeded to quickly use the restroom, refill my water, and step outside to smoke. When I came back there were a few orders on the screen and the manager totally…

I currently work as a cook for a Pennsylvanian restaurant chain called Primanti Bros. So, anyway, we close the kitchen at 11pm on weekdays and 12am on weekends. I come in at 4pm each day and generally work for around 8 hours. During that time I do not take a break save for smoke breaks every few hours or so, business permitting; i.e. I would not take a break during the dinner rush from, say, 5-7pm, etc., and I don’t even clock out to eat or anything. Yesterday it was around 10pm, business was slowing down, and I hadn’t had a smoke in three hours. I let my coworkers know that I would be stepping away from the line. I proceeded to quickly use the restroom, refill my water, and step outside to smoke. When I came back there were a few orders on the screen and the manager totally chewed me out. He accosted me for taking a “12-minute” break; he insisted I should only be taking 2-5 minutes tops, and the next time I take an “extended break” I will be written up. I kind of just shrugged and said “Okay, whatever,” simply to appease him, but let me assure you: I’ll be taking my breaks regardless and I don’t care if I’m written up or fired. I’m pretty sure in Pennsylvania it’s not required to allow employees breaks if they’re over 18, but this shit was so ridiculous and egregious that I honestly couldn’t believe it. I immediately thought of r/antiwork so here I am. Isn’t this total bullshit? “No one wants to work anymore!” It’s like, yeah, huh, I wonder why? Fucking idiots… And seriously fuck PA labor laws because this shit should be illegal honestly.

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