
Manager won’t approve my final mileage [MA]

For the past year I've been working remotely for a company whose office is in Worcester. At the end of August, the manager above my manager decided that my team needed to come into the office on tuesdays and thursdays. When I pointed out to her that it takes at least an hour for me to Worcester from where I live in the Pioneer Valley (I'm also responsible for serving the clients we have in the region), she agreed to reimburse me for my mileage to and from the office and the travel time would be included in my work day (I would get paid for 7 hours but I would only need to be in the office for 5) At the beginning of September I accepted a new job that's local to me and put in my two weeks notice (my last day will be tomorrow so I needed…

For the past year I've been working remotely for a company whose office is in Worcester.

At the end of August, the manager above my manager decided that my team needed to come into the office on tuesdays and thursdays. When I pointed out to her that it takes at least an hour for me to Worcester from where I live in the Pioneer Valley (I'm also responsible for serving the clients we have in the region), she agreed to reimburse me for my mileage to and from the office and the travel time would be included in my work day (I would get paid for 7 hours but I would only need to be in the office for 5)

At the beginning of September I accepted a new job that's local to me and put in my two weeks notice (my last day will be tomorrow so I needed to submit my mileage early to be reimbursed).

Last Tuesday and Thursday morning, I had meetings with clients in Springfield, so the earliest I was able to get to the office was noon. My manager must have forgot about these meetings (even though she scheduled them and they were on my outlook calender, which she has access to) because as I was leaving the meeting, she called me to ask why I wasn't working and in the office and I reminded her about the meeting and told her I was leaving the meeting and headed to the office. When I got to the office she was gone. It seems like she decided that we didn't need to go in to the office anymore because she hasn't been in and just didn't tell anyone .

So yesterday, I submit my mileage to be reimbursed and she told me that I hadn't gone into the office on the days I did and needed to redo my mileage. I told her that I had gone into the office those days and she kind of quizzed me on what time I got there before dropping it, but hasn't approved it.

I'm supposed to be reimbursed about $60 for a round trip from my house to the office, which to me isn't worth lying over but is money I'm owed, so I would like to be reimbursed for it. I'm also worried that she might mess with my paycheck because if I'm lying about going into the office that also means I started working over an hour late and left an hour early.

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