
Managers Offered a Pizza Party, But Ended Up Eating All the Pizza…

I work for a large tech company and our Senior and C-Suite management hold this meeting in our office to talk about financials, upcoming projects, new acquisitions, morale boosting, etc. The management teams live out of our state and fly in to see their staff every so often (the group differs as some executives are too busy to make it), and they stay and work out of our office for like 3 days out of the week. Now, whenever they come out the most they usually do for us is offer us food like donuts or bagels in the morning or a pizza party at lunch. Well, the day comes that they were going to order out for us and got several pizzas (like 6 medium pizzas and sides like salad and cheesy bread), and they said the pizza was going to arrive around noon and they'd let us know…

I work for a large tech company and our Senior and C-Suite management hold this meeting in our office to talk about financials, upcoming projects, new acquisitions, morale boosting, etc. The management teams live out of our state and fly in to see their staff every so often (the group differs as some executives are too busy to make it), and they stay and work out of our office for like 3 days out of the week.

Now, whenever they come out the most they usually do for us is offer us food like donuts or bagels in the morning or a pizza party at lunch. Well, the day comes that they were going to order out for us and got several pizzas (like 6 medium pizzas and sides like salad and cheesy bread), and they said the pizza was going to arrive around noon and they'd let us know when it was delivered. However, they in fact did not let us know the pizza came and decided to have first dibs on all the food and ate nearly everything.

The only reason that we found out the pizza came was because my friend who worked in another department in the building came into our break room and saw all the executives eating the food that was supposedly for us. My friend then comes and finds us to talk about work and mentions that there was pizza in the break room (he also added that he was getting weird looks by the executives like he shouldn't have been in there). So, all of my coworkers go into the break room to have some pizza, but lo and behold it was mostly gone and the only food left was the salads. Most of my coworkers weren't able to get any pizza and just had salad to satiate themselves as they had to order more pizza which took an additional hour to be delivered. The coworkers that weren't able to get any food took an hour long lunch to wait for the second delivery and were pretty upset (rightfully).

I wanted to share this story because I found it hilarious that our company values are about inclusion and trust building (hahaha). I also didn't think a “pizza party” couldn't get any worse or degrading, but I guess it can when the management staff hoards the pizza for themselves while simultaneously saying how valued and appreciated we are.

Like I always say, take care of you and your family first because your job/company doesn't care about you…

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