
Managers timing bathroom usage, and forcing me to work WHILE USING THE BATHROOM so I’m not fired

I work at insert generic office company here, and my manager had the great idea to start timing us as “3 minutes is too long to use the bathroom” and “it should take 1 maximum”. He says “if you plan on shitting, it means you're quitting”. I now have to take my phone and answer calls, so I don't get laid off because this prick has a lead pipe up his ass and in his heart.

I work at insert generic office company here, and my manager had the great idea to start timing us as “3 minutes is too long to use the bathroom” and “it should take 1 maximum”.

He says “if you plan on shitting, it means you're quitting”. I now have to take my phone and answer calls, so I don't get laid off because this prick has a lead pipe up his ass and in his heart.

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