
Marianne Williamson ignored by media trying to revive SECOND BILL OF RIGHTS/BILL OF ECONOMIC RIGHTS

What was the Bill of Economic Rights? A right guararieeing fair wages, affordable housing, affordable health care, a right to education, etc. in short affordable participation in social life, no exclusion from potential and opportunity based on economic gatekeeping. Who blocked it back in 1944? Neo-liberals. Who is Marianne Williamson? A presidential candidate for 2024, the establishment wants to push into oblivion, because she stands for actual change. Understands what must change. Why is this relevant for Antiwork? The second bill of rights not passing in 1944 is the reason for the misery of US lavor. Since then workers have been systematically disenfranchised for neo-liberal “free” market economy interests. “Free” standing here for capitalists to exploit economically, disenfranchise politically and instrumentalize through media those without the means. If you work for your living your a worker. No mather if you're a cashier or doctor. workers unite. If you let…

What was the Bill of Economic Rights?

A right guararieeing fair wages, affordable housing, affordable health care, a right to education, etc. in short affordable participation in social life, no exclusion from potential and opportunity based on economic gatekeeping.

Who blocked it back in 1944?


Who is Marianne Williamson?

A presidential candidate for 2024, the establishment wants to push into oblivion, because she stands for actual change. Understands what must change.

Why is this relevant for Antiwork?

The second bill of rights not passing in 1944 is the reason for the misery of US lavor. Since then workers have been systematically disenfranchised for neo-liberal “free” market economy interests. “Free” standing here for capitalists to exploit economically, disenfranchise politically and instrumentalize through media those without the means.

If you work for your living your a worker. No mather if you're a cashier or doctor. workers unite.

If you let “your” welath work for you, you're a capitalist.

Why show Kyle Kulinsky/SecularTalk?

Because he explains it well wnough, if ypu dont know much.

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