
Marjorie Taylor Greene complaining about her job and low pay So assuming this is all real she is actually complaining about how the job consumes too much of her time that she can't be with friends or family. on top of that the pay is to low, $174,000 salary too low. Like for real the people in this forum know what a backbreaking, soul wrenching, day of work is and she has the audacity to say she is the one with a hard job and that we should be giving sympathy to her. I think she needs a a reality check from the workers she is supposed to be representing and hear from them and how hard they work, from the teachers to the baristas and service staff, that make not even 1/5th what she does. I'm reminded of other people like AOC and Katie Porter who make it their lifes works to serve their people here this person…

So assuming this is all real she is actually complaining about how the job consumes too much of her time that she can't be with friends or family. on top of that the pay is to low, $174,000 salary too low. Like for real the people in this forum know what a backbreaking, soul wrenching, day of work is and she has the audacity to say she is the one with a hard job and that we should be giving sympathy to her.

I think she needs a a reality check from the workers she is supposed to be representing and hear from them and how hard they work, from the teachers to the baristas and service staff, that make not even 1/5th what she does.

I'm reminded of other people like AOC and Katie Porter who make it their lifes works to serve their people here this person seems to be making it about her and her woes.

I'll concede everyone can have a hard time. But i think the way she puts it here just plays out poorly to those she should be serving.

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